What's New
Just gave in my pages for a Magazine that's supposed to come out in december. Be on the lookout for it. Its called (guess what!) Paku. I know it aint gonna be much, but its my first big break. The magazine is called Hyeroglyph, BTW.
Dont forget !! Write me some hate mail !! I dont like this page much more than you do !


Careful !

For example, this drawing of a telephone leads to a totally unrlated site. The Radiohead site, FWI.

I've about cleared all the info I have to give out right now, so the rest of this page might just be inane chatter.
Remember to watch the skies. Mulder wont be happy if you dont. If he finds out, he'll come to your house and mumble loudly in your ears all day (poor Scully !).

"The body is a toy for the mind."





This way to Columbia House

Does a drawing of a pin have to mean that the text affiliated to it has to be a reminder of some sort ?
I dont like Columbia House either, but the Clip Art looked like the logo. Besides I cant change the drawing.

Article Heading nowhere still ...
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